Frustrated African Pastor

This African Pastor tried to hang himself because in spite of his fervent prayers and hard work in ministry, his church was not growing and he was unable to feed his family and pay the rental for his Church venue.

2023 Uganda Photos and Videos

Evidence Of Our Lord’s Imminent Return

An update on Dudi market outreach that started from the 9th and ends on the 12th of March

The Bible describes one of the most remarkable spiritual confrontations in history: Elijah’s encounter with Baal’s priests. Even for us today, this account is very dramatic to read. But what was Elijah really after? His heart’s desire was for people to return to the one true God. To God be all the glory for the souls (8) He has drawn unto Himself during last few days crusade at Dudi market that ends this sunday

The same thing that motivated Elijah also motivates us. People need to see that Jesus is the true God. We want to lead them to Him! That is exactly why we, decided to partner with my two pastor friends to preach the Gospel unashamedly, boldly and with everything inside of us. We truly expect amazing things to happen in the coming months and years. Being the first activation to do The Crusade is filled with many challenges and obstacles, but the Lord is giving us victory after victory. Thank you for standing with us so faithfully kindly keep us in prayer. We are shoulder-to-shoulder in this harvest. Shalom


Further 2023 Uganda Outreaches Photos and videos.